It’s time to heal.

Karol K. Truman is the author of the popular Feelings Buried Alive Never Die & Healing Feelings from the Heart.

Karol was a loving mother, wife, and Grandmother. She was also a practicing therapist and Spiritual healer dedicated to helping others to resolve their ‘core issues’.

Make a change. Start Here.

“By sincerely implementing the principles and painless tool found in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, a person can remove their treacherous emotional barriers and contribute to a major part of their own life healing.”

Since its initial 1991 publication, this book has been revised and expanded twice. Feelings Buried Alive Never Die has sold over 300,000 copies. These amazing numbers for a smaller press book were achieved primarily by the slow and steady rise of word-of-mouth recommendation from a reader after reader. Obviously, the book has made a major impact on many people well beyond my patients (check out some of the reader comments at Amazon), so again, if you want to make a positive change to your life, I strongly recommend you read Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.

By sincerely implementing the principles and painless tool found in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, a person can remove their treacherous emotional barriers and contribute to a major part of their own life healing.


  • The book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die has been so helpful in getting in touch with my feelings. Reading through the book has been like a journey. At first it was easy going, but as you read on, the road gets pretty rough. As I bring these feelings to the surface and deal with them on an adult level, using the Script, I feel like a load has been lifted from my heart, and a very good, peaceful-almost happy-feeling comes on. It’s not easy, actually very uncomfortable at times, but well worth the end results.


  • As my husband and I read your book, I discovered more and more about myself. I decided to become accountable. I assumed blame for my feelings, and the feeling of release and freedom that came to me is hard to describe. I now know that I am worthwhile—that I can make a difference in my own life. Thank you so much for providing a way to teach me that I CAN! I’m learning to be a human be-ing.


  • Feelings Buried Alive Never Die has been my lifeline! Two years ago I struggled with a nervous breakdown with suicidal thoughts. I felt that I was headed that direction again. My marital relationship was at a sub-basement level. I was through! Then Karol’s book came, and now I face each day with excitement, not trepidation. I learned to forgive myself and others. I’ve moved from the past to the present and am excited about the future. Sometimes it’s not easy, but it is now attainable.
